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Window World of Joliet Continues to Show Their Support for the “St. Jude Partner In Hope” Movement!

0 min read

Window World of Joliet’s work goes farther than providing exterior home improvement. Their products alone aren’t what make them unique; much of Window World’s story is linked to their involvement beyond home improvement. They strive to bring positive change to communities through their affiliation with non-profit entities.

In 2008, Window World became a partner of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, one of the world’s leading research and treatment centers for pediatric cancer and other childhood diseases. Window World of Joliet continues to show their endless support by spreading awareness and making personal donations throughout the years.

Their dedication to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® continued as Window World of Joliet started the new year off by making a generous donation in early February. With this donation the Window World team earned themselves the ‘This Shirt Saves Lives’ apparel (as seen in the image below) for being a St. Jude Partner In Hope, helping spread awareness for this particular cause.