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Prepping Your Home for Winter: A Home Winterizing Checklist

3 min read

Fall is the best time of year to prep your home for winter, so let’s look at some easy ways to prepare for the cold to come. Completing these few simple tasks now will prolong the life of your home and even save money on energy bills.

Home Winterization Checklist

Utilize this winterization checklist to keep track of tasks before it gets too cold outside. Remember that this isn’t an exhaustive list—there may be additional (or fewer!) tasks depending on your home.

1. Clean Out the Gutters

Although it may not be the first thing you want to do, cleaning your gutters before winter prevents ice dams from forming when leftover debris and water freeze in low temps. Once they become a problem, ice dams can eventually lead to water seeping back into your home. Being proactive with cleaning your gutters in the winter is an easy way to prevent costly damage in the future.

2. Seal Air Leaks with Caulk

The Department of Energy says that caulking leaks that are letting drafts in the home can end up resulting in an overall energy savings of 10%-20% for your household.

3. Prepare Your Yard and Put Away Outdoor Accessories

It is a good idea to cover outside furniture or bring it inside if you have space. Fall is also the perfect time to lay the groundwork for a lush green lawn in the spring. Aerate and seed the lawn around October. Then apply fertilizer in November.

4. Winterize Your Sprinkler System

If you own one, now would be the time to winterize your sprinkler system before the threat of frozen pipes and clogged valves becomes an issue. HomeAdvisor’s “True Cost Guide” estimates this service to cost between $53-$121 so it won’t break the bank to hire a professional.

5. Insulate Air Ducts and Hot Water Pipes

Insulating air ducts and hot water pipes throughout the home is one of the most efficient ways to prevent energy loss. The Department of Energy tells us that a home with central heating can lose about 20% of the air that moves through the HVAC system. It also pays energy dividends to wrap those hot water pipes with fiberglass insulation, a procedure that takes only a few hours and costs as little as $50 to complete.

6. Seal Air Leaks in Windows and Doors

If you have drafty windows or doors, the best thing you can do is purchase all-new replacements to fix the problem. However, this option may not be feasible for many reasons. Instead, you can squeeze a few more years from your aging windows and doors by adding weatherstripping to leaky areas. For $10 to $15 per roll, this is a smart and easy way to save energy.

7. Add a Sweep to Your Busiest Doors

If you’re losing warm air from the bottom of a door, weatherstripping may not be enough to help. For less than $20, you can install a draft guard that will help close those gaps and keep the heat inside. If you’re ready to replace your less efficient door with a newer model, you’re just a few clicks away from a lifetime of warmth.

8. Close the Fireplace Damper

If you have a fireplace, be sure to close the damper before cold weather arrives. If you don’t plan on using your fireplace throughout the season, you can add a chimney balloon for an extra layer of energy-saving.

9. Test Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

While you should test your fire and carbon monoxide detectors year-round, most house fires occur in the winter. It’s smart to check the batteries and functionality of your detectors to be sure they’re working correctly in their most important season. And if you don’t already have a carbon monoxide detector, get one.

10. Set Ceiling Fans in a Clockwise Direction

If you’ve never changed your fan’s direction before, get ready to be blown away. Flipping the switch found near the motor of most units will change the direction in which your fan spins. A clockwise direction in colder months will help push warmer air from the ceiling back into the heart of the room. Just make sure to flip the switch back to a counterclockwise spin in the spring to continue saving energy year-round.

11. Add a Programmable Thermostat

Many of us have seen those fancy thermostats that seem like they would be unnecessary in the average home. But as it turns out, not only do they look cool, they can save up to $180 a year on your energy bills too. Once installed, program setback periods into your system that automatically lower the temperature when you’re asleep or away at work. A little planning, in the beginning, can turn into considerable savings down the road.

Keep Your Home Comfortable All Winter Long

If you still find it difficult to keep your home at a comfortable, consistent temperature, it may be time for new windows. Request your free estimate to start saving on your energy bills today!